Hello, world! After a year and a half without updates, we finally have news to post here. We’ve been scouting out new development environments, but struggled to find platforms with good support for 2D games and multiple platforms. Last month, the solution came when Unity released a new set of native 2D tools. Mo³ has been hard at work learning Unity and I plan to pick it up too.
As for me, I’ve participated in three Ludum Dare compos. Ludum Dare posts a theme, and you have 48 hours to make a game about it. LD #23‘s theme was “Tiny World” so I made Asteroid Defender, a game where you drive around the surface of a small asteroid shooting at incoming bombs and repairing turrets. LD #25 had a theme “You are the Villain,” so I made Skeleton’s Revenge as a 2D platform game where you play as a common enemy type exploiting the advantages they have over common hero types. Finally, last weekend was LD #28 and the theme was “You Only Get One,” so I made Minigolf Exam, an 8-hole minigolf course where only your first attempt counts for score.
Minigolf Exam8 hole test of pure skillBrowser Play Now |
Skeleton’s RevengePlatforming role reversalWindows Download |
Asteroid DefenderKeyboard and mouse shootingWindows Download |
The site has received a few updates as well. We have a new Games page with links to all our completed projects, big and small, including the Ludum Dare games posted above. We now require an account to leave comments, but you can easily login with your Facebook or Google accounts on the login page or by using the “Login with…” section anywhere on the site. Finally, we have joined Facebook, and all posts on the front page will cross-post there from now on. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook or subscribe to the RSS feed to get updates on new Bakamo Studios projects!